Volunteer With Us

We’re always looking for volunteers to help us maintain and grow our Tango community. Your passion and skills can make a significant impact in several areas of TangoVida.

We welcome assistance with our regular practicas, ensuring they run smoothly and create a welcoming environment for dancers of all levels.

If you’re tech-savvy, we’d love your help with our website maintenance, keeping our online presence relevant and user-friendly.

If you’re good with social media or marketing, we’d love your help to spread the word about our events and share the beauty of Tango with a wider audience.

Finally, we’re always grateful for extra hands at our milongas and live events, where volunteers can help with setup, ticket-taking, or coordinating performers and taxi dancers.

By volunteering, you’ll not only support the local Tango scene but also immerse yourself deeper in this rich cultural experience. If you’d like to be a volunteer, fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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