Yoga & Pilates for Tango Dancers

Becomming more flexible and strong in your body will greatly help your dance. Practices such as yoga and pilates also give better body awareness, which will help you to learn technique easier and faster.

Full benefits include:

  • Improved flexibility
  • Increased strength
  • Better posture, balance, and a more a stable axis. You’ll notice that a correct meditation posture is not much different to a good posture in Tango
  • Reduced stress and tension in the body and embrace

We also recommend to stretch your feet and body when you return home from a milonga to prevent injury and sore muscles.

Recommended Classes:

  • Instituto Superior de Tango
    Pilates: Mondays and Wednesdays 6pm
    Stretching: Tuesdays 11:30am and 6pm
  • Lya Elcagu
    She also has a YouTube video for healthy and strong feet for Tango dancers.
    We recommended to have a class with Lya if you have specific pains related to Tango and want to troubleshoot and fix your Tango technique.
  • Mariana Oliva

TIP: If you need to buy a yoga mat, search for “deportes” in Google Maps to find a store nearby that sells sports gear & clothes. This shop sells premium yoga mats.

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